Daily Market Analysis Blueprint 12/27/13

Gm everyone hope you had a great Christmas if no a good Holiday so far….see new numbers below refresh at 8:15am est

All is happening as a continuation of the FOMC trades which I still have runners on SPY and AAPL spreads see below if you missed THAT KEY VIDEO WATCH IT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN HERE ALL WAS THERE


We will be back Monday with the weekly video. January 7th for the Chart Blast. the bottom line is ES is slowly drifting toward 1850 and has mentioned on the previous videos it is all about having runners run for max profits and OTM spreads that allow you to make money while you enjoy your vacation and take advantage of daily time decay on low volume weeks like now…this strategy has been told again and again since December 3-4th see all members blog pots.

I still hold SPY call jan runners from Video above

AAPL spreads

and FXE euro longs see position below image since before 12/20 posted on the members blog debit spreads and credit spreads see previous posts.




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